7 Signs Alcohol Affects Your Physical Appearance

does alcohol make you look older

Regular drinkers can trigger biological functions that make them age from the inside out. If you drink heavily or consistently, you could activate the aging process, putting you at risk of health conditions that typically affect older people. Your doctor can give you abuse screenings to see how your drinking has affected your health.

It suggests a complicated effect of alcohol use on health. Drinking while taking medications across a host of drug classes also can cause serious side effects in older adults, especially drugs with sedative effects. An array of over-the-counter medications can interact poorly with alcohol. These include aspirin, sleeping pills, heart drugs, acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), allergy medication, pain medication, and anxiety or depression medicine. A chief reason for these more damaging effects is changes in the liver — the primary organ that processes alcohol when it’s consumed. Older people are not able to metabolize alcohol as well as younger people because of a decrease in the activation level of specific liver enzymes.

does alcohol make you look older

Final Thoughts About Alcohol and Aging Effects

Some types of dementia and alcohol-related brain damage develop as your brain cells shrink. Over time, heavy drinking can lead to loss of judgment, focus, and memory. You may have more trouble regulating your emotions or managing your coordination. Many people don’t realize that alcohol can alter your sleep patterns. Although drinking too much can make you fall asleep more easily, it also reduces the amount of time that you spend in the rapid eye movement, or REM, stage.

Over time, it also can damage the cerebellum, the area in your brain that handles balance and coordination. Alcohol may not only make you more likely to get sick as you age, it also can make common medical problems worse. Studies show that heavy drinkers can have a harder time with things like osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, ulcers, cancer, memory loss, and certain mood disorders. You have to gas x and alcohol interaction be old enough to drink it legally, and once you are, it can age you faster than normal. Heavy drinking can have a direct effect on certain parts of your body and on your mental health as you get older. Heavy drinking over a period of time can cause a physical dependence on alcohol.

We use evidence-based methods to help you moderate or stop drinking, and our convenient smartphone app makes the whole process portable. You no longer need to disrupt your life in order to start drinking less. Jaundice, or yellowish skin, is also a sign of liver disease. Most medications and alcohol don’t interact well with each other. Not only will alcohol make conditions like hypertension and diabetes worse, but it also mixes poorly with the medications typically used to treat those conditions. This can be dangerous for people who already have slower reaction times and poor balance without alcohol.

Mixing alcohol with opioids or benzodiazepines like diazepam (Valium) is one potentially deadly combination. It depresses the central nervous system by altering how neurotransmitters submit signals to the brain. The total amount of water in one’s body also decreases with age. This means that when alcohol is consumed, more of it ends up in the bloodstream, which amplifies its effects on john joseph kelly amy carter the body.

Alcohol and Aging: Does Alcohol Use Make You Look Older?

  1. Older people are not able to metabolize alcohol as well as younger people because of a decrease in the activation level of specific liver enzymes.
  2. Perhaps the biggest sign of aging that you can’t physically see is the effect that drinking has on your brain.
  3. This helps prevent you from becoming dehydrated when you’re not drinking.
  4. Ria’s telemedicine-based program is designed to simplify things, allowing you to access the support you need from the comfort of home.
  5. Symptoms of that include lack of judgment, organization, or emotional control, trouble staying focused, and anger issues.

Depressive symptoms like insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety can mimic those of alcoholism. If you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction to alcohol or any other substance, contact us today. We want to help you get on the road to recovery so that you can live a happy, healthy, and sober life.

There is a point though at which a person’s alcohol tolerance will actually begin to go down. This can be the direct result of changes to the composition of the body and hormonal changes. This is why you may notice that the older you get, the more prone you may become to hangovers the next day. Heavy alcohol use can even prevent the male body from being able to make testosterone properly. This combination of hormonal issues can lead to the development of breasts in men.

As you age and your metabolism decreases, eating like you used to as a teenager or young adult can lead to weight gain. The idea of having a drink to relax before bedtime may not be a good one, especially as you get older. Instead of lulling you into a restful night, alcohol can actually keep you from getting to sleep and lead to restless slumber.

One novel clock that is built from DNA modifications in monocytes, which was developed by Xu’s group, shows the strongest association with alcohol consumption and epigenetic age. Monocytes play an important role in inflammation and aging process. The answer is not so straightforward, based on a recently published study by researchers at Yale School of Medicine. Around 54 million Americans live with osteoporosis or low bone mass, but many don’t recognize the symptoms until it is too late. For example, drinking alcohol when you take aspirin can raise your chances of stomach problems or internal bleeding. Mixing it with certain sleeping pills, pain medications, or anxiety drugs can be life-threatening.

If you suddenly stop drinking, your body will often experience withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms include sweating, shaking, nausea, and anxiety. For men, heavy drinking is defined as four drinks a day or more than 14 drinks a week. For women, it’s defined as three drinks a day or solution focused therapy interventions more than seven drinks a week (1).

How Else Can Alcohol Age the Body?

Overall, the less you drink, the more energetic and youthful you will feel. Feeling better inside almost always means looking better on the outside. And although cutting back on alcohol can give your skin a chance to regenerate, some damage cannot be reversed.

FAQs About How Alcohol Affects Appearance

Normally, the body creates a hormone called vasopressin, which helps your body retain water, limiting the amount of fluid that you excrete through the renal system. This helps prevent you from becoming dehydrated when you’re not drinking. One of the best things you can do for your all-around health and appearance is to drink less alcohol. But at Ria Health, we recognize that this can be easier said than done.

But too much can lead to an abnormal heartbeat and high blood pressure. Liver disease caused by heavy drinking can cause jaundice and hyperpigmentation, which will give the skin a darker appearance. Liver disease isn’t reversible, but you can treat some of the skin conditions it causes to help make  symptoms less noticeable. Because alcohol affects your sleep, you may also notice under-eye circles the day after drinking (10). As alcohol abuse progresses, the belly can become hard and distended, and fluid buildup called ascites can be a sign of liver damage.

Alcohol Consumption Changes the Aging Clock

But drinking like you used to can lead to even bigger problems. Alcohol tolerance can be significantly diminished as people age, and the effects of alcohol can be exacerbated due to an array of factors. People older than 65 who don’t take any medications should average no more than one drink a day (seven per week) and have no more than three at one sitting. Red wine has antioxidants called polyphenols that may help your cholesterol level and protect your blood vessels. If you drink it in moderation (about one glass a day), some studies show that it might be good for your heart.